] [ MAP
Thrivent Financial
Services for Lutherans
to the Synod Resource Center!
We are a ministry of the Northwest
Synod of Wisconsin. We are physically located at 1005 Oxford Avenue
in Eau Claire, WI 54703, (click here or on "MAP"
above.) NW Synod of Wisconsin Logos available here.
One of our goals is to put as many of our resources online as we can. Above, you will find links to our open files, organized into 10 ministry categories. We will eventually fill all the categories as submitted materials are converted to web pages. When the open files are likely to be useful as an editable document, we have also included them as downloadable files in Rich Text Format. These may be opened in most word processors. Further, if a printed copy is likely to be desired we have also included it as an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file. To view and print the .pdf files, you will need to download and install the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader software if you do not already have it installed. We are eager to share your ministry ideas. Paper files are great, e-mail is better, attached documents in Word or RTF are better yet and also gladly accepted. Send your submitted materials to staff@synodresourcecenter.org or to our street address above. Each
ministry area has its own categorized web links. Although we
have no control over the content of any of these sites, we
have found that they contain some useful materials that may
help in your ministry. If you have any questions, please
contact our staff
or the Resource Center Director, Pastor Greg Kaufmann,
gkaufmann@synodresourcecenter.org |