Teaching the Story

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-115

Contributed by:

LaMae Rohland

Teaching The Story

Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Mark 10:14b
Teaching banners are being added to the long-term projects for our companion synod in Malawi. This project will assist those who are teaching Bible stories at the feeding centers as well as at the congregations.
This can be a wonderful intergenerational project within your congregation. Any group, family, grandparents and grandchildren, or individuals, can create banners using their varied and individual gifts of creativity.
Persons or groups doing the project are responsible to cover the cost of their banner. Those unable to create a banner could be given the opportunity to give the funds thereby giving ownership of this project to many.
For each banner you will need at least three yards of muslin or fabric of your choice. When using muslin, 100% unbleached, permanent press and pre shrunk, medium weave, works best. Choose a Bible story and name it. Create the story using 5 to 6 pictures and putting them on the fabric. On muslin, fabric markers work well for coloring in the pictures. Fusible interfacing and webbing can also be used to create and/or complement your pictures. Thermo-web heat-n-bond iron-on adhesive can be used to bond cut out designs onto the banner. Be creative! Spray your finished banner with a matte finish. Providing a dowel with a rope to hang the banner will be helpful in its use. Write a 1/2 hour script for each story. Put a group picture and names of all who created the banners on the backside. Dedicate them during a worship service before sending them off to Malawi.

Kubwera kwa Mzimu Woyera

Mzimu Woyera Tipatseni Mphamvu kuti Tikhulupilire ndi Kutsata
Holy Spirit Give Us Power to Believe and Follow Jesus

Jesus is baptized and receives the Holly Spirit.

The Day of Pentecost. The disciples receive the Holy Spirit.

Our baptism. We receive the Holy Spirit.

Holy Communion where we are nourished.

Jesus says, I love you. Now go share it with others.

Mzimu Ukugwira Ntchito pa Ife
The Spirit at Work Among Us
Mu Mpingo wathu In our church
Mmudzi mwathu In our village
mbanja mwatchu In our family
Mwa ine In me



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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center