Companion Synod Relationships

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Synodical Pastor (Read Bishop) Martim Reusch, Sinodo Centro-Campanha Sul, Brazil

Partner Synods Between Continents

(This document was translated into English by Synodical Pastor Martim Reusch, whose native languages are Portuguese and German and shared with the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin to further our companion synod relationship.)

Our tradition from our origin, ecclesiastical or ethnic, connects also the people and the congregations from the area of the Sínodo Centro-Campanha Sul, its tradition on the Reformation and the Church in Germany. So, it seems initially to us inconsiderate accept the invitation of a Synod of ELCA, the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. We asked ourselves, different traditions, spirituality marked by other reality, our critical vision in respect of the North American political and social posture in relation to the Latin America and in respect to the new religious movements that come from the north, would make possible a true partnership between our two synods.

Today, after almost ten years, we can say that we have deepened a true partnership and we have grown in many aspects in this fraternal relationship.

The many personal contacts that happened between leaders and congregation members, youth, university students and synod leaders, have been opening a more universal vision of the Church of Jesus Christ, to far beyond of our parishes limits. Besides of that, personal contacts and congregation contacts are an opportunity to experience a very spontaneous fraternity that overcomes barriers of language, tradition and closed patterns, and to live significant dimensions of our reality.

Besides of our realities and challenges being very differentiated and specific of our churches in each country we have a lot to partake, in two ways, in respect of our proposal of synod action in the line of involvement, participation and capacitating of congregations and its members. We have the opportunity to present our proposal of missionary action as a Church in Brazil and respect of our referential of the Gospel, the reality, the faith the Church and the ministry. We have learned also to look with more attention and care to our referential and to get with more effort a more dynamic involved welcoming missionary methodology.

The vision "to out" has brought us experiences of the churches that, like us, look for exercise its mission in the participation and involving the congregations and its members in order of come to be a hole ministerial people.

Martin Reusch

Pastor Sinodal

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