Chippewa Area Mentor Program

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Our Saviours Lutheran Church, Chippewa Falls, WI

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Chippewa Area Mentor Program (C.A.M.P.)
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

Starting CAMP
Challenges and Strategy
Top Ten Hints
Training and Screening Practices
A School/Community Partnership
Partnerships between Schools and Businesses

I am pleased to share my perspective on "mentoring" in the public schools. It has been a vital part of the ministry of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church.

About ten years ago there was a strong feeling expressed by many that we needed to look at where we could serve beyond the walls of the church.

We felt that there was a natural connection between our location and the schools. We were also aware of the many children who were failing or falling through the cracks of the system. When we inquired (in 1987) about how we could be of service in the lives of the children who needed help we were warmly welcomed by a school administrator who had shared our dream of "mentoring" children.

Over the years we have successfully overcome the concerns inherent in the idea of the church being involved in a program in the public school. Our focus in serving is to be present to the children as our Lord was present to the people he ministered to. We have kept the "mentoring" as a servant project and have avoided any problems relating to the separation of church and state.

"Mentoring children" is a very natural calling for people of the church. Jesus in his ministry interceded for the children. He wanted them to be close to him and part of the community when he taught.

The most important function of the "mentor" is simply to be present to the child. As a pastor, I need to encourage and affirm potential mentors. We have the "Chippewa Area Mentor Program" as part of the work of the Board of Social Ministry. We have included "mentoring" as one of the items on our annual time and talent survey.

It has been encouraging to see other congregations join in the recruiting of "mentors". When we join together in service, the impact of caring people in the lives of children is impressive.

Pastor Roger R. Skatrud

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Link to Chippewa Area Mentor Program:
A hard copy C.A.M.P. manual is also available. There is also a copy of the manual on file at the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

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Starting CAMP

Church Board Meeting

" Where are we needed?"
"… the Middle School?"

MS Principal suggests "Mentor Program" for "kids falling through cracks"

Gather community/school representatives
Discuss: "How could church & school work together to address specified needs?"

Create Task Force
Study, discuss, analyze, explore
Agree on Vision and Mission

VISION: "All students are capable of experiencing success in school and in their personal lives"
MISSION: "Struggling students will receive ongoing one-on-one support from selected and trained caring adults in the community"

Task force developed plans for pilot program (6 months)
Recruited volunteers; invited 36 selected church members to informational meeting
Six members agreed to be trained as mentors and be matched one-on-one

Ongoing monitoring of matches, supporting mentors
Ongoing evaluation and "Tweaking"

ByLaws developed

This process took 9 months (June 1988 to February 1989) and yielded 6 matches

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Challenges we had to address:
Church/state issue Pastor Skatrud, letter
What's a mentor? Patience, explaining always!
Confidentiality concerns Education/quality mentors
"opening" schools to community Paradigm shift in community
response of teachers, staff Top notch mentors
Need for paid staff BERNARD!
Recruiting volunteers A "Treasure Hunt!"; Give them the support they need
Reliable source of Funding United Way, School District
School board skepticism Presentations: school needs
Who guides the program? Elected Advisory Board
Liability concerns Adequate staff, training, Screening, monitoring, etc.
Turf issues Community ownership
" It doesn't matter who gets the credit…"
Collaboration in CF
Community pride
"Stigma" concerns: kids, parents Avoid labels, Talk about Assets, not deficits
Parent involvement Permission, dinners
Scheduling match meetings Flexibility
Space for matches to meet Designated spaces/rooms
Mentor vacations/job demands Email; sent notes, cards
Parking (at High School) Still a problem!
Welcoming atmosphere Secretaries, all staff!
Mentor identification Buttons at Reception Area
How to celebrate Changes with program growth

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" Top Ten Hints"
(if you want a mentor program to last)

Number 10 Start Small
Number 9 Find enthusiastic partners in community and school, add more as you go
Number 8 Hire (provide) paid staff to coordinate
Number 7 Recruit respected community people
Number 6 Customize program to fit needs of YOUR town, students, community members
Number 5 The Younger the Better! Start with K-5
Number 4 Target the "kids on the edge," not the ones who have already "slipped off"
Number 3 Get organized; elect an Advisory Board
Number 2 Evaluate, listen, listen, change, adjust
Number 1 Don’t EXPECT miracles…but do celebrate those that happen!

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  • Awareness of program through media/friends
  • Initial conversation or phone call with Coordinator
  • Receive packet: Letter, Brochures, Application, PR article
  • Handbook sent upon completion of screening
  • Two Training sessions per semester held at Mentor Room
  • Other Training sessions conducted on site if requested

Ongoing Training and Support

  • Receive monthly newsletters
  • Receive school parent newsletters
  • Access to school counselors, teachers, principal as needed
  • Phone checks from coordinator/volunteer caller
  • Mentor Meetings at schools
  • Personal contacts at church by Congregational Contacts
  • Personal contacts/access to Coordinator, as needed
  • Year-end surveys

Screening Practices

  • Recruit within churches
  • Recruit through Mentor Program, current mentor
  • Require completion of Application Form
  • Check 3 character references
  • Get permission to do police/criminal check if deemed necessary
  • Make list of mentors public
  • Provide supervised setting for meeting student

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A School/Community Partnership

Role/Function of School:

  • Provide funds for salaries for program staff
  • Act as fiscal agent
  • Provide office space, materials
  • Provide computer, telephone, etc.
  • Provide counselor support
  • Provide space for pairs to meet weekly
  • Provide mentor support at schools
  • Provide students

Role/Function of Community:

  • Provide funds/support for program activities

    o United Way
    o Clubs and organizations
    o Individuals
    o Businesses

  • Provide mentors
  • Provide the "heart" and sense of community spirit
  • Provide Advisory Committee members

Role of the Religious Community:

  • Act as advocate for program
  • Support through Clergy Council
  • Provide most mentors
  • Serve on Advisory Committee
  • Help recruit trustworthy, dependable mentors
  • Provide philosophical framework

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Business Can…

  • Help recruit mentors
  • Allow employee leave time (Example: 4 hours per month)
  • Encourage employees to tutor in specific areas
  • Adopt-a-classroom or school
  • Provide workplace training for students
  • Allow "career shadowing"
  • Provide clerical support for the program
  • Encourage employees to serve on committees
  • Sponsor a short term summer program
  • Loan an executive, or provide planning expertise
  • Provide incentives/discounts for mentor matches
  • Lobby legislators to support business-school programs
  • Funds for special events, recognition field trips, etc.
  • Fund program community coordination



Program promotion
Coordination of school/community
Recruiting volunteers
Screening of volunteers
Training of volunteers
Recognition of volunteers, supporters
Liaison for school/community

School District

Counselor time
Rooms, physical set-up
Matching student/mentors
Screening of volunteers
Training of volunteers
Recognition: Volunteers, students, parents & business

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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center