7th Grade Confirmation Class Version of Who wants to be A Millionaire
This activity was developed to test the group's knowledge of the Sacraments in a relaxed and fun way. You can also write questions in other areas of the Small Catechism or other subjects covered in Confirmation. I wrote the answers on an easel pad that was placed in a wooden frame that the students could see. The questions and answers can also be written in a PowerPoint presentation if you are familiar with PowerPoint. You will need a LCD projector so that student can see the questions on the screen or on a blank wall. Directions: Divide the class into groups in which everyone will get to answer a question. Each individual in the group will have four questions to get to 100 pts. The first question is worth 25 pts, the 2nd question is 50 pts, the 3rd question 75 pts, and 4th question is 100 pts and the group that goes the furthest will also get a prize. If you cannot answer the question, you have 2 lifelines: ask your group and 50-50 which will give you answer that is right and one that is wrong and take the other two answers away. 1. What is the earthly substance used in Holy Baptism? A. Bread 2. "In the night in which He was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took this food, blessed and broke it and gave it to his disciples." A. Bread 3. Through Baptism, God frees us from what? A. The Devil 4. According to The Small Catechism, Martin Luther says that God forgives sin delivers us from death, and the power from what evil person? A. The Devil 5. What is it that makes Baptism extraordinary? A. The pastor 6. There is a strong connection between Holy Baptism and this? A. The Pastor 7. According to the video from last week, what person does "the Word" identify? A. John 8. What apostle writes about the Last Supper? A. John 9. What name for Holy Communion means "thanksgiving?" A. Sacrament of the Altar 10. What name for Holy Communion suggests where we go to receive it? A. Sacrament of the Altar 11. What do the words, "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins" describe? A. How we can be prepared to take Communion. 12. Martin Luther says that believing the words "for you" can describe what? A. How we can be prepared to take Communion. 13. Holy Communion is God giving us Jesus through the bread and wine that is what? A. Wafers and wine 14 . In Holy Communion, Jesus' body and blood is present with, under, and through what food and drink? A. Wafers and wine 15. In which of these biblical stories does not involve water? A. Creation 16. Which biblical story begins Jesus' ministry? A. Creation 17. What are the benefits we receive in Holy Baptism? A. The Holy Spirit 18. In our baptismal liturgy, the pastor prays that the child or adult will receive the gifts of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord and the spirit of joy in His presence. Where will these gifts come from? A. The Holy Spirit 19. What identity do we receive through Baptism? A. Member of St. John's 20. Whose name are we baptized? A. Member of St. John's 21. According to Martin Luther, what are we not saved by? A. Going to church 22. Through what way has God saved us? A. Going to church |
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