Mike Nelson (a tenth grade student recovering from a knee operation) volunteered to helpGreg create a musical review of the 10 commandments. Since both were into "oldies" the review is based mainly on them. This musical review was used with confirmation guide groups. Each guide group was comprised of 4-5 youth and one adult. The youth were in grades 6-8. Each group was seated in a semi-circle of chairs in the fellowship hall. A boom box with portable speakers were used to insure that everyone could hear. Each guide group had one official recorder who wrote down their answers. The following set of rules were handed out to each guide group. 1.Points will be received in 3 categories. A winning team will be honored in each of the 3 categories. 2. The categories for the 33 songs cuts are a) Title b) Artist c) Commandment supported/broken 3. Mike taped these from CDs he and Greg own. Each cut is taped twice with a pause between each cut. The cut will only be played the twice! Pause long enough to allow plenty of time for each group to come up with answers in all three categories. 4. Adult guides can help their group come up with author and title of song - but only the yhouth can select which commandment they think is being supported/broken. 5. The winning team members will have their picture taken and posted in the Narthex, along with a brief article describing the musical review. 6. Different artists have done cover songs of some of these cuts. We only accept the artist who actually performs the cut on this tape as the correct answer. 7. If your guide group can give a good explanation of why they chose the commandment they did for the song cut, and it varies from the one selected, that reason will be accepted. Therefore, make sure the recorder jots down the reason why they chose the commandment they did on the answer sheet.
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