The Passion of Jesus Bible Study

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Rev. Greg Kaufmann, Asst. to the Bishop, North West Synod of Wisconsin

This file is available in
Rich Text Format version for editing

Session 1 - The Arrest of Jesus
Session 2 -
Jewish Trial
Session 3 -
Roman Trial
Session 4 -
Crucifixion and Burial



The following questions and comments are provided to give you an outline for organizing your ideas and notes. It is hoped that this will enable you to:

  • Follow the class discussion
  • Participate more comfortably
  • Find Biblical references more easily
  • Continue the learning started here at home
  • Organize all the handouts and class notes
  • Grow in understanding of what the Passion of Jesus means for your life

 You will receive on of these working outlines each session. Each will highlight the key questions that I will ask that class period, with chapter and verse citations included when appropriate. Answer each question from the point of view of your Gospel only. The observations and questions under each will help you zero in on important insights you may wish to include in your answer. Note: not all of them will pertain to the Gospel you chose.

Those of you who are working with the American Bible Society's "Synopsis of the Four Gospels" will find your paragraph numbers in parentheses after each Gospel citation.

Before beginning, select the Gospel you wish to use for this course. Each session, you will want to work through the questions only from the point of view of your Gospel.

The arrest of Jesus is recorded in all four Canonical Gospels. Those accounts are found in:

Mark 4:32-52 (330,331)

Matthew 26:36-56 (330,331)

Luke 22:39-53 (330,331)

John 18:1-12 (330,331)

How does Jesus' prediction of Peter's denial prepare the reader for what will happen in the arrest scene? (315)

Mark 14:26-31 and Matthew 26:30-35 indicate that what will follow will not be pleasant.

Luke 22:31-34 records Jesus' prediction in a different tone. Does this shed any light on the differences in the prayer and arrest scenes to follow?

Read John 13:36-38 in the light of John 21:15-17. (367)

Where does the arrest take place? (330)

Refer to Mark 14;26 and Matthew 26:30. (315)

What additional information does John add? (331)

Why is Jesus there? (330)

Do all four Gospels have Jesus there to pray?

What has happened to the agony in the garden in John? John 12:27 (302) might shed some light on its omission.

Compare the scene in 2 Samuel 15:30-31 with this scene in the Synoptics. (They are Matthew, Mark, and Luke)

Compare the three Synoptic accounts of Jesus' prayer. (330)

What do the disciples do?

Does Jesus pray three times?

Why would ancient copyists omit Luke 22:43,44?

In Matthew and Mark Jesus is sorrowful. Who is sorrowful in Luke?

Compare this scene to the close of Luke's temptation account in Luke 4:13. (20)

Compare this prayer with the Lord's Prayer.

Matthew 6:7-15 and Luke 11:1-4 (62)

Describe the arrest scene in each gospel. (331)

Who comes with Judas to arrest Jesus?

Do all four Gospels have the infamous "kiss"?

Note how John portrays Jesus as in control in this scene.

Refer to John 13:1-4,21-30. (309-310)

Do all four include swordplay?

Note how each of the other three build on Mark's stark account of the swordplay.

What is Jesus' response?

Why does John include the details about the lanterns and torches?

Compare that with John 20:15. (353)

What happens when Jesus says the divine name in John 18:6?

What happens to Jesus' disciples? (331)

Read Mark's account of the young man in the light of Amos 2:16.

Contrast the action of the disciples in Mark 1:14-20 with their actions here. (34)

Do they flee in John? Refer to John 17:9f. (329)

Does Luke have them flee?

How does this arrest scene fit into the larger picture of each Gospel?


The Arrest of Jesus

(A Review)

The arrest of Jesus is one of the most familiar stories of Jesus' Passion. Everyone knows about Jesus praying to have the cup removed, Judas' kiss, and the cutting off of the servant's ear.

In Session 1, we discovered that the story is actually four stories, each with unique details and points of emphasis. This enables each to be good news to people with different needs and different backgrounds.

At the beginning of each class period, we will review the last session's discoveries, enabling you to build a picture of the major themes of each gospel, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you to ask questions on the material covered. 

The Prayer of Jesus 

Mark 14:32-42 

How is Jesus portrayed? 

How are the disciples portrayed? 

Matthew 26:36-44 

How is Jesus portrayed? 

How are the disciples portrayed? 

Luke 22:39-46 

How is Jesus portrayed? 

How are the disciples portrayed? 

John 18:1 (Refer to John 12:23-36) 

How is Jesus portrayed? 

How are the disciples portrayed? 

The Arrest of Jesus 

Mark 14:43-52 

How is the arresting party portrayed?

How is Jesus portrayed?

How are the disciples portrayed? 

Matthew 26:47-56 

How is the arresting party portrayed?

How is Jesus portrayed?

How are the disciples portrayed? 

Luke 22:47-53 

How is the arresting party portrayed?

How is Jesus portrayed?

How are the disciples portrayed? 

John 18:2-12 

How is the arresting party portrayed?

How is Jesus portrayed?

How are the disciples portrayed?


Session 2 - Jewish Trial, Peter's Denial, and the Death of Judas - [Top]

 These three scenes are recorded in all four canonical Gospels. They are found in:

  • Mark 14:53-15:1 (332-334)
  • Matthew 26:57-27:10 (332-335)
  • Luke 22:54-23:1 (332-334) Acts 1:16-20
  • John 18:13-28 (332-334)

 Where is Jesus taken after he is arrested? (332)

 Compare John with the Synoptics.

(John 18:13,15,19, 22, 24)

Who is the high priest?

 Who accompanies Jesus after he is arrested? (332)

 Who is the "they" in each Gospel?
Mark 14:53

Matthew 26:57

Luke 22:54

John 18:13

Are any of Jesus' disciples with him?

 When does the denial of Peter take place? (332)

 Mark and Matthew: Is it before or after the Jewish night trial and mockery?

Luke: Note carefully how Luke has ordered the denial and the mockery.

Is there a night trial in Luke?

John: How has John used the Beloved Disciple to heighten the impact of Peter's denial?

What happens to Peter? (333)

What does Peter say?

Compare Jesus' answer in John 18:5,6, 8 (331) with Peter's in John 18:25.

Does Peter curse himself or Jesus? (Mark 14:71; Matthew 26:74)

Why should this be good news to Mark's readers?

Compare the mockery of Jesus by the soldiers with Peter's denial.

Remember Jesus' prediction of that very denial.

(Mark 14:30; Matthew 26:34; Luke 22:34; John 13:38) (315)

What is the significance of Jesus' look at Peter in Luke 22:61?

Remember that one of Luke's themes is Jesus as compassionate Lord.

 Compare the role of the Other Disciple with Peter. (332)

Only John notes in the arrest scene that the sword swinger was Peter, and that Jesus commanded that his disciples be allowed to go free. Both Peter and the Other Disciple chose to follow Jesus instead.

How is the other disciple portrayed in John 18:15-18?

Why would John want that as the backdrop for Peter's denial?

When does the actual Jewish trial take place? (332)

Matthew and Mark have the trial at night. Is there a follow-up trial? (334)

Does Luke have a night trial? (Luke 22:66)

Does John even have a Jewish trial scene at his time?

(John 18:13,19,24,28)

Refer to John 11:45-53 (260) for John's trial scene!

What is Jesus accused of in the Jewish trial? (332)

Which Gospel (s) record theological accusations?

Which Gospel (s) record political accusations?

Who determines that the testimony of the witnesses was false? (332)

Who says they don't agree? (Mark 14:59-60; Matthew 26:55-56)

Is this really the "kangaroo court" we usually assume it was?

Remember that Jesus is pictured as silent. (Mark 14:61; Matthew 26:63)

Why does John 18:20-23 emphasize that Jesus spoke plainly?

What is the only charge that Jesus is found guilty of? (332)

Mark 14:64 and Matthew 26:65-66 note that Jesus is found guilty. Of what?

Compare that with Luke 22:70-23:1. Is there any sentence passed at all?

All John records is a police interrogation. He has already recorded Jesus' trial.

(John 11:45-54) (260)

Did they pass a sentence then? What?

What happens to Judas? (335)

Why does Matthew include these details?

Compare Matthew 27:3-10 with:

2 Samuel 17:23

Jeremiah 32:6-15

Jeremiah 18:2,3

Zechariah 11: 12,13

Acts 1: 16-20

One of Matthew's themes is that Jesus is the fulfillment of all Scriptural (our Old Testament) prophecy. Matthew 26:24 is a good example of this. (310)

Compare the fate of Judas with the fate of Peter. What Jesus had predicted of both, comes true while the Sannhedrin mock Jesus as a prophet!

Jesus before the Jewish Authorities

(A Review) 

The triple denial of Jesus by Peter dominates this part of the Passion of Jesus in popular theology. However, each of the evangelists portrays this denial in a unique way.

In Session Two, we discovered that the details of the "trial" varied from one evangelist to the next. Each emphasized a different facet of the good news that Jesus was found guilty of being the Son of God!

This handout reviews last session's discoveries, enabling you to build a picture of the major themes of each Gospel, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you to ask questions on the material covered. 

Mark 14:53-65 

Who questions Jesus?

What is Jesus asked?

How is Jesus portrayed? 

Is any sentence passed? 

Matthew 26:57-68

Who questions Jesus?

What is Jesus asked?

How is Jesus portrayed? 

Is any sentence passed? 

Luke 22:54,63-71

Who questions Jesus?

What is Jesus asked?

How is Jesus portrayed? 

Is any sentence passed? 

John 18:13,14,19-24

Who questions Jesus?

What is Jesus asked?

How is Jesus portrayed? 

Is any sentence passed? 

The Denial of Peter 

Mark 14:66-72

When does the triple denial take place?

What happens to Peter? 

Matthew 26:69-75

When does the triple denial take place?

What happens to Peter? 

Luke 22:56-62

When does the triple denial take place?

What happens to Peter? 

John 18:15-18,25-27

When does the triple denial take place?

What happens to Peter? 

The Death of Judas 

Matthew 27:3-10 

How does this heighten Jesus' role as prophet?

What happens to Judas?


Session 3 - The Roman Trial - [Top]
The Roman Trial is recorded in all four canonical Gospels.

Mark 15:1-20 (334,336,339-342)

Matthew 27:1,2,11-31) (334,336,339-342)

Luke 23:1-25 (334,336-339,341)

John 18:28-19:16 (334,336,339-342)

When does this Roman Trial take place?

Is this before or after the Passover in John?
John 13:1 (309)

John 18:28 (334)

John 19:14 (340)

What had Jesus celebrated with his disciples in the upper room in the Synoptics? (308)

Mark 14:12-17

Matthew 26:17-20

Luke 22:7-14

Does John include that celebration? (309)

John 13:1-20

Why does John say that it was about the sixth hour when Jesus is handed over to be crucified?

John 19:14 (340)

Refer to Exodus 12:6

Where is Jesus taken?

Why does John include the extra details about the Praetorium? (334)
John 18:28

Do the Synoptics agree?

What questions does Pilate ask Jesus?

Is this a theological or political issue?

What unique details are included in Luke 23:2,5? Why? (336)

 How does Jesus answer Pilate's question? (336)

Mark 15:2

Matthew 27:11

Luke 23:3

John 18:33-38

The Synoptics note Jesus' silence before more Jewish accusations.

Are these accusations made before Pilate? (336,337)

Mark 15:3-5

Matthew 27:12-14

Luke 23:6-12

Luke includes a trial before Herod. Luke 23:6-12 (337)

What affect does Jesus have on his enemies?

Jesus is mocked by Herod's soldiers.

Will the Roman soldiers mock him once Pilate declares him innocent?

How many times does Pilate declare Jesus to be innocent?

Mark 15:6-11

Matthew 27:15-20

Luke 23:18,19

John 18:39,40

Why would later scribes add verse 17 to Luke 23?

Who is Barabbas and why is he in jail?

What was his first name? (Matthew 27:17)

Why would they prefer Barabbas?

Why does Matthew include the dream of Pilate's wife? (339)

Where is Pilate sitting? (Matthew 27:19)

Who is in control? Pilate or the people?

Compare the Jewish leaders with this Gentile woman!

What additional scenes does John include before Pilate hands Jesus over?

John 18:29-19:15 (336,339,340)

Chart the movement of Pilate in the Roman Trial scene. Do you detect a pattern?

Why does Pilate have Jesus scourged?

Why does John emphasize that Jesus, not Pilate, has real power? (John 19:10-11)

Who is the friend of Caesar?

Why does John include details about the judgment seat at a place called "The Pavement?"

What is ironic about the chief priests crying out "We have no king but Caesar?"

Why does Pilate hand Jesus over in each Gospel? (341)

Mark 15:15

Matthew 27:24-26

Luke 23:24-25

John 19:16

Why would Luke add the details about Barabbas at this point?

Why does Matthew insert the hand-washing scene? (341)

Matthew 27:24

Even those who are doing Jesus in, fulfill the Scripture!

Deuteronomy 21:6-9

Psalm 26:6

Does Matthew 27:24-25 justify Anti-Semitism? (341)

Matthew 27:24 has been used for the past 2000 years to justify anti-Semitism.

How does Matthew 26:28 help us out of this dilemma? (311)

Is there Scriptural background for Matthew 27:25

Refer to:

2 Samuel 3:28-29

Joshua 2:19

Jeremiah 26:15

When and why is Jesus scourged? (340,341)

Mark 15:15

Matthew 27:26

Luke 23:25

John 19:1

Why would Luke not want Jesus scourged?

When and why do the soldiers mock Jesus?

Mark 15:16-20 (342)

Matthew 27:27-31 (342)

Luke 23:11 (337)

John 19:1-3 (340)


 The Roman Trial

(A Review) 

The trial before Pilate allows us to see the unique themes of the evangelists in sharp contrast! While each Gospel records the trial before Pilate, the details vary considerably. In Session Three, we asked questions that both highlighted these differences and suggested how they offered insights into the good news for each Gospel.

This handout reviews last session's discoveries, enabling you to continue to build a picture of the major themes of each Gospel, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you to ask questions on the material covered. 

Mark 15:1-20

Is this trial before or after the Passover?

Is Pilate concerned about religious or political issues?

How is Jesus pictured?

Does Pilate declare Jesus to be innocent?

Whose idea was it to release Barabbas?

When and why is Jesus scourged?

When and why do the soldiers mock Jesus? 

Matthew 27:1,2,11-31

Is this trial before or after the Passover?

Is Pilate concerned about religious or political issues?

How is Jesus pictured?

Does Pilate declare Jesus to be innocent?

Whose idea was it to release Barabbas?

When and why is Jesus scourged?

When and why do the soldiers mock Jesus? 

Luke 21:1-25

Is this trial before or after the Passover?

Is Pilate concerned about religious or political issues?

How is Jesus pictured?

Does Pilate declare Jesus to be innocent?

Whose idea was it to release Barabbas?

When and why is Jesus scourged?

When and why do the soldiers mock Jesus? 

John 18:28-19:16

Is this trial before or after the Passover?

Is Pilate concerned about religious or political issues?

How is Jesus pictured?

Does Pilate declare Jesus to be innocent?

Whose idea was it to release Barabbas?

When and why is Jesus scourged?

When and why do the soldiers mock Jesus? 

Jesus before Herod 

Luke 23:6-12 

Is this a trial?

Do the soldiers mock Jesus?

What affect does Jesus have on his enemies?


Session 4 - Crucifixion, Death, and Burial - [Top]

Mark 15:20-47 (343-348, 350)

Matthew 27:31-66 (343-348, 350-351)

Luke 23:26-56 (343-348, 350)

John 19:17-42 (343-344, 347-350)

Crucifixion of Jesus

Who carries the cross-arm? (343)

Why would John want to emphasize that Jesus carried his own?

What event does only Luke note on the way to the cross? Why? (Luke 23:27-31)

What is Jesus offered to drink before he is crucified? (344)

Mark 15:23 - Why did Jesus refuse it?

Refer to Proverbs 31:6

Matthew 27:34 - Why did Jesus refuse it?

Refer to Psalm 69:22

Compare the accounts of the casting of lots for Jesus' garments.

When does it happen? (344)

What additional act does only John note? Why? (John 19:23-24)

What inscription was placed above Jesus?

Mark 15:26 (344)

Matthew 27:37 (344)

Luke 23:38 (345)

John 19:19-22 (344)

Who is gathered at the cross? (348)

Mark 15:40-41

Matthew 27:55-56

Luke 23:49

John 19:25-27

Who mocks Jesus while he is on the cross? (345-346)

Mark 15:27-32

Matthew 27:38-44

Luke 23:35-43

Why would John omit all mockery on the cross?

The Death of Jesus

What Apocalyptic signs accompany Jesus' death? (347)

Mark 15:33-39

Matthew 27:45-54

Luke 23:44-48

When does darkness cover the land in the Synoptics?

Why does Matthew have so many signs?

Why does John omit them?

When and why is Jesus offered vinegar to drink? (345, 347)

Mark 15:36

Matthew 27:48

Luke 23: 36

Why does John add the details about hyssop? (John 19:28,29)

Refer to Exodus 12:22.

What does Jesus say on the cross? (344,346-348)

Make a list of all "seven last words" and the gospel they are located in.

When looked at by individual Gospel, what tone do we have in each?

What does the centurion say? (347)

Why doesn't John include this?

What additional detail does Luke add? (Luke 23:48)

Note the plural in Matthew 27:54!

Only John includes the details about the piercing of Jesus' side.

(John 19:31-37) (349)

What is the symbolism in the unbroken bones?

Exodus 12:10,46

What is the symbolism in the blood and water?

Zechariah 12:10; 13:1; 14:8-9

Check out John 7:38-39 (240)

The Burial of Jesus

Who buries Jesus? (350)

Who is this Joseph anyway?

Mark 15:43

Matthew 27:57

Luke 23:50

John 19:38,39

Describe the burial of Jesus. (350)

Is Jesus anointed in the Synoptics?

Mark 15:46

Matthew 27:59,60

Luke 23:53


Why do the Synoptics make sure that the women see where Jesus is buried?

Why isn't John concerned about this?

Why do the evangelists include all the details about the tomb?

Only Matthew notes that a guard was placed at the tomb? Why?

Matthew 27:62-66 (351)

Compare the role of the soldiers at Jesus' burial, with the role of soldiers in the birth story at the beginning of Matthew's gospel. (Matthew 2:13-21) (10)

What is ironic about the actions of the chief priests and Pharisees?


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