OUR LORD'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Maryville, Illinois VISION STATEMENT "Called to Share Christ's love with all." Growing in Christ - A New Creation "Our Lord's Lutheran Church is a community of Christians called together by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe God's grace gives each person dignity and value. We witness through worship, education, service, and fellowship to make God's new creation of hope, compassion, community and commitment, a reality within the human family." Questions to Consider1. What is your committee doing to fulfill our congregational Vision Statement: "Called to Share Christ's love with all?"
2. How does your committee help build up the congregation as "a community of Christians called together by the Gospel of Jesus Christ?"
3. In what ways does your committee help give "each person dignity and value?"
4. What is your committee doing "through worship, education, service, and fellowship to make God's new creation of hope, compassion, community and commitment, a reality with the human family?" |
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