From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

St. Paul and St Luke Lutheran Churches, Augusta and Foster, WI

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In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Affirming our unity in faith and our common confession as members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; desiring the fruits of the Spirit in our worship, witness, and work; and recognizing the benefits of orderly cooperation, we now adopt the following parish covenant.

Section 1: Autonomy: Each congregation shall remain completely autonomous, responsible for their programs, properties, expenditures and assets.

Section 2: Parish Council: A Parish Council consisting of the Congregation Council from each church body shall meet regularly to act on all questions relating to this parish. Specifically, the Council shall establish a Parish Budget, establish worship schedules, determine policies and practices which pertain to both congregations, and advise the pastor on issues relating to the entire parish.

The Parish Council will have no officers. The congregation hosting the Parish Council meeting will designate a Council member, usually the Congregation President, to chair the meeting. Secretaries from both congregations will keep minutes to assure a record of proceedings is easily accessible to either congregation.

Section 3. Pastoral Ministry: Pastors shall be called to serve this parish respecting the constitutions of each congregation. Each congregation shall select a Call Committee, which shall work in conjunction with the Call Committee of the other congregation, forming a Parish Call Committee. They shall recommend a pastor to the congregations for election.

Pastors are called to serve both congregations in this parish. Should the pastor resign or should a congregation determine the pastor may no longer continue in that office, the pastor's Call to both congregations would automatically be terminated.

The pastor shall serve as a voting member of the Parish Council.

Section 4. Parsonage: St Paul Congregation shall retain complete ownership of the parsonage. All property improvements will, likewise, be the complete responsibility of St Paul's.

Section 5. Parish Budget: The following budget items will be determined by the Parish Council:

• Pastor's Salary
• Pastor's Housing Allowance
• Pastor's Pension and Medical/Dental Benefits Package
• Pastor's Car Allowance
• Workman's Compensation for Pastor and Organist
• Worship Supplies (i.e. bulletins, inserts, devotional booklets)
• Office Supplies (i.e. paper, ribbons, ink, staples, postage,
• Church telephone)
• Pastor's Continuing Education
• Supply Pastors
• Parsonage Maintenance (normal, yearly up-keep)

Parish Budget items will be paid proportionally as determined each year by the Parish Council based on confirmed membership.

Section 6. Parish Treasurer: Each year the treasurer of one congregation will be designated Parish Treasurer. The Parish Treasurer will bill each congregation on a monthly basis for parish expenses and pay parish expenses from a separate parish checking account. This account will be audited during the annual audit along with other congregational accounts.

Section 7. Term of Covenant: This ongoing relationship shall continue indefinitely. It may be terminated by majority vote of either congregation. Any changes in the Covenant must be made by mutual agreement of both congregations.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!


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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center