Youth and Family Responsibilities. The DYFEM
will develop and administer a diversified, appealing,
balanced Christian youth and family program for all age
groups. Congregational support through the youth program
will be provided to college students.
Youth Group divisions will be identified as Building
Blocks (preschoolers), Carpenter's Crew
(kindergarten-fifth grades), Junior Youth (sixth-eighth
grades), and Senior Youth (ninth-twelfth grades).
Fellowship, worship, learning and service are the four
components of a youth and family ministry.
The DYFEM will schedule events and activities and
coordinate them with necessary means including dates,
transportation, adult involvement, arrangements and
publicity of these happenings.
The DYFEM will actively seek and encourage new and
inactive members. He/she will seek activities to involve
new members and will periodically make personal contact
with perspective, active and inactive members.
The DYFEM will publish a newsletter monthly that will
be mailed with notes from nativity. Dates and reminders
are placed weekly in the "Son-Times." This written
information informs the youth as well as the Congregation
of upcoming events that lends support to our
The DYFEM will encourage all youth to become involved
in the annual Youth Service to be held by youth at a time
designated by the Pastor in cooperation with the DYFEM.
The service will be planned by a committee of Junior
and/or Senior youth, the DYFEM, the Pastor, and the
Director of Music.
The DYFEM shall be an advocate for the young people of
Nativity. He/she should create a broader and
understanding of the youths' presence in our church and
convey that understanding to youth and to other
congregational members.
The DYFEM will encourage active participation of the
Junior and Senior youth in LYNC (Lutheran Youth in North
Carolina) on Conference, Synodical and Church-wide
levels. He/she shall coordinate the planning,
registration, and fund-raising (as necessary) for such