Director of Youth, Family and Educational Ministries

From the Open Files of:

Heilig Resource Center, 704/633-4861

Contributed by:

Lutheran Church of the Nativity, North Carolina

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Lutheran Church of the Nativity
Job Description

Director of Youth, Family and Educational Ministries

Whereas the Lutheran Church of the Nativity is a congregation of the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA, all members of the employed and volunteer staffs shall:

  1. Have specific skills related to their particular responsibilities;
  2. Manifest a dedicated and fervent Christian spirit;
  3. Deal graciously with all people;
  4. Joyfully cooperate with those persons with whom they serve; and
  5. Have a growing understanding, appreciation, and enthusiasm for the ministry of the Lutheran Church of the Nativity.

This mission should be accomplished through the following job description:

I. Conditions of Employment

  1. Qualifications. The Director of Youth, Family and Educational Ministries (hereafter referred to as DYFEM) should have a fervent zeal to bring all youth in the congregation closer to Christ; strengthen families and encourage life-long learning. He/she may have a degree in education, recreation and (or) theological training or other related degree and two years' experience in a related field. The DYFEM should have a love and understanding of all God's children and be seeded in the faith.
  2. Employment Level. The DYFEM will be a full-time employee.
  3. Benefits. Benefits include health and dental insurance, pension, and continuing education.
  4. Relationship to Congregation Council. The DYFEM is accountable to the Pastor. The DYFEM shall work in partnership with the Learning Ministry and Youth Committee.
  5. Continuing Education and Training. Continuing education is an expectation and will be coordinated in consultation with the Pastor.

II. Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Youth and Family Responsibilities. The DYFEM will develop and administer a diversified, appealing, balanced Christian youth and family program for all age groups. Congregational support through the youth program will be provided to college students.

    Youth Group divisions will be identified as Building Blocks (preschoolers), Carpenter's Crew (kindergarten-fifth grades), Junior Youth (sixth-eighth grades), and Senior Youth (ninth-twelfth grades). Fellowship, worship, learning and service are the four components of a youth and family ministry.

    The DYFEM will schedule events and activities and coordinate them with necessary means including dates, transportation, adult involvement, arrangements and publicity of these happenings.

    The DYFEM will actively seek and encourage new and inactive members. He/she will seek activities to involve new members and will periodically make personal contact with perspective, active and inactive members.

    The DYFEM will publish a newsletter monthly that will be mailed with notes from nativity. Dates and reminders are placed weekly in the "Son-Times." This written information informs the youth as well as the Congregation of upcoming events that lends support to our ministry.

    The DYFEM will encourage all youth to become involved in the annual Youth Service to be held by youth at a time designated by the Pastor in cooperation with the DYFEM. The service will be planned by a committee of Junior and/or Senior youth, the DYFEM, the Pastor, and the Director of Music.

    The DYFEM shall be an advocate for the young people of Nativity. He/she should create a broader and understanding of the youths' presence in our church and convey that understanding to youth and to other congregational members.

    The DYFEM will encourage active participation of the Junior and Senior youth in LYNC (Lutheran Youth in North Carolina) on Conference, Synodical and Church-wide levels. He/she shall coordinate the planning, registration, and fund-raising (as necessary) for such activities.

  2. Educational Responsibilities. The DYFEM will encourage parental involvement in the youth program of Nativity. He/she will facilitate additional opportunities for parents to gather together for mutual support and education.

    The DYFEM will be responsible for the Christian education programs of Nativity: the Christian Education Hour and Vacation Bible School. He/she will need to guide and advise these programs through recruiting and equipping of teachers, selection of curriculum and promotion of educational opportunities.

    The DYFEM will assist in catechism and campfirmation where needed.

III. Performance Review

  1. Object. The object of the performance review is to be accountable to the job description and to serve as a communication tool between the employee and the Pastor.
  2. Period of Review. The performance review shall be conducted by the Pastor periodically through the first year and then at least once annually between March 1 and May 1.
  3. Logistics. The evaluation instrument shall include the performance rating description and a list of primary responsibilities as itemized in Section II of the Job Description. The evaluation form will be filled out by the employee as a self-evaluation. The rating form will also be completed by the Pastor.
  4. Conclusion. The rating forms will be done independently and then compiled and analyzed by the Pastor and/or the Personnel Committee. The conclusion of the performance review will be the average of individual scores. The final score will be used to determine the merit supplement.

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