Director of Family, Youth and Learning Ministries
Job Description

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Immanuel Lutheran Church. Eau Claire, WI

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Immanuel Lutheran Church


Job Description

Job Title: Director of Family, Youth and Learning Ministries

Year(s): 2001 - 2002

Reviewed by: Personnel Committee

Supervised by: Pastor, Youth Committee, Learning Committee and Congregation Council

Next Review Date:

  1. Responsibilities
    1. In Youth Ministry

      Maintain an effective youth ministry with the middle school and senior high school youth with an emphasis on being a part of the congregation in worship, education, fellowship and mission outreach.

      1. Plan and lead Wednesday Youth Nights: Each Wednesday night our middle school youth meet for confirmation, a meal and other activities. With the pastor you are responsible for working with the Youth Committee to coordinate, plan and direct a variety of activities on Wednesday nights.
      2. Plan monthly special events: In addition to the regularly scheduled Wednesday night program you will work with the Youth Committee to plan special activities, lock-ins, camp-outs, and ongoing events.
      3. Plan and manage fund raisers: Youth ministry is partly self-supporting and part of your responsibilities will be to work with the Youth Committee to plan, promote and coordinate fund-raisers.
      4. Handle Youth finances: You will receive the Youth checkbook and account book. You will be expected to purchase supplies, make deposits, maintain current records and give a financial report to the congregation at the end of the year and submit your books for audit.
      5. Maintain communications with pastor, council and committee: You will be supported in your work by a Youth Committee consisting of both adults and youth. The committee and the pastor will help you with ideas and suggestions, and assist you in organizing and leading activities. Take care to communicate your plans to the pastor and the committee. You will be expected to plan and lead committee meetings and with the committee to submit a report to the congregation at the end of the year.
      6. Maintain communications with the larger youth ministry community: You will attend local youth ministry meetings and at your discretion participate in synod youth leader meetings.
      7. Reach out to all youth: Some of our youth do not regularly attend youth events. As you become acquainted with them you will want to work with the Youth Committee to maintain some caring contact with them.
      8. Provide or supervise youth music: Music is an important part of our youth program. You will work with the Youth Committee to provide music opportunities for our youth and/or coordinate and supervise youth music leaders.
      9. Serve as a friend to Youth: Perhaps the most important part of your job will be to serve as a friend and role model to the young people. Because of your position, they may come to you for support or help with problems. We expect you to respond caringly and to keep their concerns confidential. (In some cases, it may be important for you to share your concerns about individual young people with the pastor.)
    2. Learning Ministry

      You will work with the pastor, learning committee, teachers and others to plan a yearly program of learning for the congregation. Parts of this program include Sunday morning learning for children, youth and adults, a confirmation program, bible studies with seniors and summer vacation church school. 

      1. Responsibility for Sunday School: You will work with the Learning Committee to implement and supervise the congregation's Sunday morning program, recruiting and training teachers, selecting curriculum, purchasing supplies, allocating space. You will be on hand on Sunday mornings to handle things that come up.
      2. Responsibility for Confirmation: You will assist the pastor in planning and coordinating the confirmation program.
      3. Responsibility for Summer Vacation Church School: You will work with the Learning Committee plan and implement the congregation's summer learning program, helping the committee make arrangements for teachers or staff, provide supplies. You will be on hand to coordinate and supervise during the week of Bible School.
      4. Other Learning Situations: As a teacher of the church you may be called at times to teach various classes, such as Adult Forum, retreats, and Senior Bible Studies.
    3. General Responsibilities
      1. Communicate with children, youth, parents and the congregation: Having people know what is going on is vital to effective ministry. Communications about activities, programs and needs should be maintained through a regular youth newsletter, notes to parents and phone calls when necessary, and announcements at service. Even when an announcement only pertains to youth or learning it is sometimes good public relations for our program put a notice in the IMAGE or the bulletin. Image deadline is the 15th of each month. The bulletin deadline is 10:00 am. each Thursday.
      2. Attend Staff Meetings: You will attend weekly staff meetings and other staff planning activities.


      3. Make Monthly Reports to the Congregation Council: You will make a monthly report of your director's activity to the Council.
    4. Terms of Employment:
      1. Expectations: We expect you to work an average of 40 hours a week during the school year. Some weeks it will be more and some less.
      2. Time of Service: Our program will run all year.
    5. Our Responsibilities to You:
      1. Remuneration: We will pay you __________ / year minus withholding for taxes, FICA, Medicare. Your salary will be payable on the 20th of each month.


      2. Other compensation: We will reimburse you up to $100 each year continuing education allowance payable for travel, lodging, registration at conferences and seminars and books.


      3. Reimbursement of Mileage: We will reimburse you for business mileage according to the IRS standard rate each month. Submit your miles on your monthly report to the Council.


      4. Annual Review: The Personnel, Learning and Youth Committees will meet with you yearly to review your job description and help you set new goals for the coming year.


      5. Vacation: Two weeks paid vacation time are included in the yearly salary.


      6. Office and equipment: We will provide office space, the use of a computer and Internet access.


      7. Other Support: We will support you with our love and our prayers. The Youth and Learning Committees and the pastor will give you help and advice. If there are any concerns or problems with members of the congregation we will serve as your buffer and advocate.


We have reviewed this job description.

(Director of Family, Youth and Learning Ministries)___________________________ (Date)______________

(Personnel Committee Representative) _____________________________________(Date)_____________


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