Associate Pastor

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

First Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI

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POSITION: Associate Pastor

Position Purpose: The Associate Pastor is to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to the membership of First Lutheran Church. The Associate Pastor will preach, teach and administer the Sacraments and give primary leadership in the ministries of Education, Youth, Social Action, and Pastoral Care.

Supervision: The Associate Pastor serves under the supervision of the Senior Pastor and the Congregation Council.

Responsibilities: Subject to review and adjustment in conjunction with the Senior Pastor and Congregation Council, the following constitute the major responsibilities of the Associate Pastor:

I. Education

  1. To lead and oversee, in conjunction with the Education Committee, educational ministries for all ages of the congregation.
  2. To assist the Education Committee and Director of Elementary Youth Ministry in the procurement and training of all lay teachers and administrators.
  3. To support, guide, and supervise the Youth Ministry Directors of First Lutheran Church.
  4. To give primary leadership in Confirmation, adult education, and special educational offerings in the form of retreats, seminars, etc.
  5. To relate to the First Lutheran Preschool and to meet and respond to the needs of teachers, students and preschool families.

II. Youth

  1. To oversee youth ministries for all ages of young people in conjunction with youth staff and Youth Committee.
  2. To support, guide and supervise the Youth Ministry Director(s).
  3. To seek opportunities to strengthen and minister to families through education, care and guidance.
  4. To relate the Bible Camps of the ELCA and encourage the participation of the congregation.

III. Social Action

  1. To work with the Social Action Committee to provide congregational opportunities for meeting the social needs of those near and far.

IV. Pastoral Care

  1. 1. To provide pastoral care, in conjunction with other staff, committees, and member care-givers through visitation, counseling and prayer.
  2. To make appropriate referrals when necessary and quickly respond to crisis situations which arise in the congregation.
  3. To direct and supervise the Stephen Ministry program.
  4. To design, implement and manage specialized care-giving ministries as needs arise.
  5. To coordinate the regular visitation of staff to hospitalized members.

V. General Pastoral Ministry

  1. To preach, teach and administer the Sacraments as a called pastor of the church.
  2. To officiate at special services such as weddings, funerals, nursing homes, etc.
  3. To work with other members of the staff for cooperation, coordination and communication.
  4. To assist and support the Senior Pastor and other staff who have primary responsibilities in the ministries of worship, administration, stewardship, outreach, health, and older adults.
  5. To serve as the staff representative to the following:

    Education Committee______Youth Committee
    Social Action Committee___Library Committee
    Stephen Ministers________First Lutheran Preschool
    Women of First Lutheran Church

Working Conditions

The position of Associate Pastor requires great flexibility in hours available for work, including evenings and weekends. The pastor should be in the office a sufficient amount of time for accessibility to members of the congregation and for regular communication with members of the church staff.

The Associate Pastor will attend Stephen Ministry Leadership Training as soon as possible after accepting a call to First Lutheran Church (unless the pastor is already trained).

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