Organist Job Description

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

First Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI

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Job Description

POSITION: Part-Time Organist

Position Purpose: The Organist gives leadership to the traditional worship services of First Lutheran Church by using the organ to lift the congregation in music for the praise of God.

Supervision: The Organist serves under the supervision of the Senior Pastor.

Responsibilities: Subject to review and adjustment in conjunction with the Congregation Council and Senior Pastor, the following constitute the major responsibilities of the Organist.

I . Select and provide organ music at all traditional Sunday worship services, mid-week worship occasions, and all special celebrations of worship where the organ is the primary instrument used.

2. Accompany vocalists and instrumentalists as scheduled by the Director of Choral and Instrumental Music.

3. Select hymns appropriate in conjunction with the preaching pastor which are reflective of the liturgical season and designated Scripture texts.

4. Provide organ music for all weddings and funerals held at the church when the organ is the primary instrument used. Fees for these services are not provided by the church, but are honorariums from couples and families at an amount determined by church policy. The use of the organ by another organist may be used only by special permission.

5. Provide for qualified substitutes for all absences.

6. Submit information bulletins in a timely fashion as determined by the secretarial staff.

7. Choose and purchase organ music within the approved budgetary parameters.

8. Oversee the tuning and maintenance of all musical instruments of the church within the approved budget and provide regular reports specifying maintenance needs to the Worship, Music and Arts Committee.

9. Submit budget requests each fall as part of the budgetary process of the Congregational Council.

Working Conditions

I . The Organist shall rehearse sufficiently to maintain a high quality of music at the organ.

2. An annual performance review will be done with the Senior Pastor.

3. Cooperate with all staff and musicians of the congregation so that music ministry is enhanced within the life of the church.

4. The Organist shall seek professional relationships with other church musicians and keep abreast of developments in worship and liturgy through associations, continuing education, and professional church publications.

5. The Organist shall have permission to conduct private organ lessons and make the organ available to qualified students.

Skills and Qualifications

1. A minimum of a bachelor of Music degree and sufficient keyboard ability to sight read hymns, liturgy, and easy anthem accompaniments.

2. knowledge of Lutheran worship tradition and a theological understanding of the church sufficient to appropriately select music and texts for traditional worship.

3. Experience as a "team player" in a church setting working with staff, musicians, and volunteers.


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