
From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

First Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI

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POSITION: Bookkeeper

Supervision: Senior Pastor and Business Management Committee

Position Purpose: To keep the financial and statistical records of the congregation

Responsibilities: In conjunction with and by the direction of the Treasurer of the congregation and Business Management Committee:

  1. Do bookkeeping and maintain financial records of the congregation and preschool
  2. Pay congregational obligations and staff salaries in a timely manner
  3. Perform the counting of all offerings and revenue
  4. Record membership contributions
  5. Prepare quarterly contribution statements
  6. Record annual pledges
  7. Assist Business Management Committee with preparation of church budget
  8. Assist with the preparation of the financial portion of the Annual Report of the congregation and the annual synodical "Congregational Report"
  9. Provide financial reports to the Congregation Council and committees as requested
  10. Meet monthly with the Business Management Committee
  11. Meet monthly with the accountant
  12. Support stewardship efforts and attend related Stewardship Committee meetings
  13. Order all supplies, equipment, curriculum, etc. for the church
  14. Prepare price/service comparisons for church business purchases and contracts
  15. Maintain church membership database:
    a. Change of address
    b. New members, transfers, births, deaths, etc.
    c. Access membership lists for mailing
    d. Update information to send to envelope mailing company
    e. Maintain membership profiles, Communion records and Time and Talent information
    f. Provide information for church directory on an annual basis

Working Conditions:

Hours are typically 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday (one hour lunch)
One evening per month to meet with the Business Management Committee
Occasional special meetings of the Business Management Committee
Occasional special meetings of the Stewardship Committee
Need access to auto for errands (accountant, bank, etc.)
Attend weekly staff meetings


Strong human relations and effective communication skills
Experience and knowledge in bookkeeping, payroll, and office management
Two year Associate Degree or equivalent desirable
Experience with Windows-based accounting programs
Ability to work with others on a multiple staff
Committed to maintaining confidentiality

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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center