Financial Secretary - Job Description

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Immanuel Lutheran Church. Eau Claire, WI

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 Immanuel Lutheran Church


Job Description

Job Title: Financial Secretary

Year(s): 1995-2001

Reviewed by: Personnel Committee

Next Review Date:


  1. Primary Responsibility

    A. Primary Function of Position: To keep records of contributions of each member of Immanuel and make monthly reports to the Congregation Council and an annual report to the congregation.


  2. Specific Duties:

    A. Weekly Duties

    1. 1. Conduct the weekly offering count with the assistance of a council member.

      2. Make weekly bank deposits of offerings.

      3. Reconcile offerings to bank deposits.

      4. Report weekly contributions to Church Treasurer

    B. Monthly Duties

    1. 1. Report monthly contributions to Parish Secretary and Immanuel Council.

      2. Financial Secretary may be asked to attend Church Council meetings to present the monthly giving report and provide any other pertinent giving information.

    C. Quarterly Duties

    1. 1. Prepare individual member contribution quarterly statements with timely information on contribution to the general fund and other special offerings.

    D. Yearly Duties

    1. 1. Prepare and present your records for audit at the end of the year

      2. Prepare an annual report of yearly gifts and contributions for inclusion in annual report and presentation at the annual congregational meeting.

    E. Occasional Duties

    1. 1. Maintain a record of special gifts and send appropriate acknowledgments.

      2. The Financial Secretary shall work as required with the Pastor, the Council and other lay staff in providing information for fund raising programs and special projects dealing with contributions of Immanuel members.

      3. The Financial Secretary shall purchase supplies as required.

    F. Select Council members to do the offering count in your absence.


  3. Expectations:

    A. Since handling of both checks and cash will be a responsibility of the Financial Secretary, sound accounting and cash management practice shall be followed at all times by both the financial secretary and those under his/her direction.


  4. Terms of Employment:

    A. Time of Service: The Financial Secretary is appointed by the Congregation Council yearly at its regular February meeting.

    B. The Financial Secretary may be absent on Sundays when two designated council members are enlisted to perform the offering count or arrangements are made to count at another time.


  5. Remuneration

    A. W e will pay you $000 per year minus required withholding payable monthly.

    B. We will provide bonding

    C. We will provide periodic evaluations.

    D. Other support: We will support you with Christian love and prayers. The Congregation Council and the pastor will help with guidance and advice. If any problems arise with other staff members or congregation members we encourage you to deal with them through the Pastor and the Congregation Council. 


We have reviewed this job description.


(Financial Secretary) ___________________________________________________(Date)__________________

(Personnel Committee Representative) _____________________________________(Date)__________________





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