Small congregations,
especially congregations with parsonages, can use this simple and
inexpensive technology. Maybe most people know about OPX; but if there
is a pastor or congregation yet to to learn about it I share my experience.
OPX (Off Premise Extension)
Phone companies offer an off premise extension of your church
phone line for very little per month. CenturyTel charges us $2 a month
to extend the church phone line to the parsonage which is less than
two miles from the church. Some phone companies base the charge by
the distance between the church and the parsonage while other companies
base the charge by the distance to contect through one of their main
switching stations.
When a call rings at the church it also rings at the parsonage.
The call can be received at either or both locations. Calls can be
made from either location. In the parsonage phone is for church calls
while other phones are for personal use.
1. When the phone rings at home, the pastor knows whether it is
a personal call or church call.
2. The congregation is not charged for an extra line.
3. The church phone bill is segregated from pastor's personal
phone bill.
4. The pastor can make church calls while waiting for a personal call
or vice versa.
5. Calls can be answered with a personal or church greeting.
6. The pastor or pastor's family can go online while still having
a line free for other calls.
7. The pastor does not have to wait at
the church for a return call that is late in coming.
8. The congregation and the bishop think that the pastor is always
at work.
1. The line is not secure since someone could listen in on a call
from the other location.
Call your phone company and ask about an off premise extension.
If you ask about getting an OPX, the phone rep might think you are
very tech savy or (depending on the rep) may not know what you are
talking about.