Memorial Gift Fund Policy

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Hope Lutheran Church, Everly, Iowa

  1. All Memorials (Trust, Endowments, etc.) given to Hope Lutheran shall become the property of Hope Lutheran Church (families of the deceased shall no longer control the funds).
  2. It shall be understood that memorials are given to the glory of God in memory of a loved one and to memorialize the deceased.
  3. Memorials received shall not be used for any part of the general operating needs of the congregation.
  4. The Church Council shall establish (and periodically update) a list of items needed by the congregation that memorials can be given to as well as Standing Funds for designated projects or ministries.
  5. Memorials or items not on the Council's designated list will be received only with the Council's approval.
  6. Memorials or items not given to a specific item or fund (identified by the Church Council) shall go into a General Memorial Account from which the Church Council can draw to purchase special items for the congregation.
  7. The accounting of the Memorial Funds shall be the responsibility of the Congregational Treasurer.
  8. Record of a major item given in memory of a specific person shall be kept by the Parish (or Council) Secretary in a Memorial Book. No identification plates or engraving shall be on the item.
  9. Memorials other than of a nominal nature (less than $10.00) received will be acknowledged by the Council Secretary.
  10. This Policy does not cover Will, Trust or Estate (Endowment) gifts received by the congregation. A separate policy has been developed to cover those funds.


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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center