From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Chippewa, Falls, WI

This file is available in
Rich Text Format version for editing

Last revised February, 2002.



(Cf. Chapter 2 of the Constitution)

1. Participation in Holy Communion we are nourished at the holy table of our Lord Jesus Christ and called to be witnesses to his Gospel. The gathered people of God celebrate the sacrament. In this sacrament the crucified and risen Christ is present, giving his true body and blood as food and drink. This presence is a mystery. Admission to the Sacrament is by invitation of the Lord, presented through the Church to those who are baptized.(Revised January 1998)

2. Record of Communion participation shall be entered upon the books of the congregation and notice regarding members of other congregations sent to the respective pastors of the congregations of which they are members.


(Cf. Chapter 8 of the Constitution)


a. Children, one or both of whose parents or guardians are members of this congregation, shall, upon receiving Christian baptism, be thereby received as baptized members of this congregation.

b. Children, neither of whose parents or guardians are members of this congregation shall, upon Christian baptism duly recorded as a ministerial act performed under the auspices of this congregation, thereby be received as baptized members of this congregation unless there is understanding that, for good reason, they will be enrolled as baptized members of another congregation, in which case notice of the baptism shall be given to the congregation in which the child is to be enrolled as a baptized member.

c. Children baptized in other congregations (and baptized adults mentally incompetent for confirmations) shall be received as baptized members of this congregation upon admission of one or both parents or guardians to membership, or by consent of one or both parents or guardians, or by action of the Church Council.

d. Unbaptized adults who have received instruction and given evidence of having an adequate understanding and acceptance of the teachings of the Word of God as confessed by the Lutheran Church, shall, upon confession of faith and Christian baptism duly recorded as a ministerial act performed under the auspices of this congregation, thereby be received as baptized members of this congregation.


a. Baptized adults, not previously members of the congregation, who have received instruction and given evidence of having adequate understanding and acceptance of the teachings of the Word of God as confessed by the Lutheran Church shall be admitted to confirmed membership through public confession of faith.

b. However, adults received as baptized members according to the provisions of Section III, A, 4 of the By-laws, shall be recognized as confirmed members.

c. Children who are baptized members of the congregation shall be admitted to confirmed membership through preparation for and participation in the rite of affirmation of baptism.

d. Applicants for membership presenting letters of transfer showing them to be confirmed members in good standing in other Lutheran churches shall be admitted to confirmed membership upon acceptance of their letters of transfer by the pastor and/or Board of Deacons and the report of their names to the congregation.

e. Applicants for membership who present evidence of confirmation in a Lutheran church but do not have letters of transfer shall be admitted to confirmed membership when the Board of Deacons has determined that they meet the standard of Christian faith and life indicated in the Constitution and By-laws and when they have re-affirmed their faith before the congregation.


a. Members who move away shall be encouraged to transfer. Any confirmed member in good standing desiring to change membership to another Lutheran church shall, upon request, be entitled to a letter of transfer by the pastor and/or Board of Deacons.

b. Any confirmed member who shows no interest in attending church services, or fails to partake of communion, or fails to contribute to the congregational treasury according to the congregation's records for a period of one year, shall, by the judgment of the Board of Deacons, lose the right of vote and voice, and shall not be counted in the membership statistics of the congregation. However, his/her name and record shall be kept on the responsibility list for a period of five years thereafter. Such a person shall be encouraged to participate in the congregational life or to transfer elsewhere, as the situation may indicate to be advisable. If he/she resumes activity within the five-year period, he/she shall be restored to the active membership list; if not, he/she shall be dismissed from the congregation and notified accordingly by the Board of Deacons. If the person requests to remain longer on the responsibility list, it is permissible if deemed reasonable by the Board of Deacons.

c. Children, neither of whose parents or guardians are active members of this congregation, shall be removed from the baptized membership roll if they fail to participate in the Christian education program of the congregation.

d. Members who have been excommunicated, dismissed, or who have resigned, and members who have transferred to other Lutheran congregations, or who are definitely known to have become members of other congregations without transfer, shall thereby have lost membership in this congregation and all rights appertaining thereto.


(Cf. Chapter 10 of the Constitution)

1. The annual meeting of the congregation shall be held in the month of January. The Congregation Council shall set the exact date and time at least two months in advance. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given as provided in the constitution.

2. The current roster of voting, confirmed, and baptized members shall be determined prior to each annual meeting.

3. The order of business at the annual meeting shall be:

a. Opening Devotions

b. Approval of the Minutes

c. Reports of the, Pastor, Council, Treasurer, Boards, Committees, and Others

d. Elections

e. Approval of Budget

f. Unfinished Business

g. New Business

h. Closing Prayer

 4. In the following cases voting shall be by ballot:

a. To elect the congregational officers and members of the congregation boards

b. To adopt or amend the Articles of incorporation, constitution, or by-laws of the congregation

c. To call a pastor or to request his/her resignation

d. To excommunicate a member from the congregation or remove a member from office in the congregation

e. To sever membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

f. To dispose of, encumber, or purchase real property

g. When requested by ten or more voting members present

 5. If more than one ballot is required in an election it shall be in order by proper motion to limit the balloting after the first ballot to the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes on the first ballot and after the second ballot to limit the balloting to the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.



a. Philosophy: We believe the Council exists to focus on the mission of the congregation:
1) To bring to life the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the lives of members of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church and the community of Chippewa Falls

2) To use our resources to help spread the Gospel to the world community

 b. Purpose

  1. 1) Carry out directives of the congregational meetings
  2. 2) To share information by all groups and committees of the congregation
  3. 3) To stimulate long-range planning and vision for the congregation


c. Structure

1) The Congregation Council shall be composed of the President-elect, President and past-President of the congregation, the chairpersons of congregation boards, and a representative of the organizations authorized by the congregation.

2) They shall meet at least quarterly or more often as needed to consult and advise on the workings of the committees and organizations. Special meetings may be called by the Senior Pastor or President or by the request of at least one-half of the members.

3) The members of the Council shall be informed of the meeting a minimum of one week in advance except in the case of emergencies when a 24-hour notice is sufficient.

4) Secretary of the congregation shall be appointed by the Church Council and shall keep accurate records of all congregational meetings and all Council meetings.

d. Job Description

1) To hear reports of boards and organizations of the congregation

2) To provide consultation on existing programs and developing programs from the boards and committees.

3) To delegate business items to the appropriate committee or board

4) To create ad hoc committees for new ideas, emphasis, or projects

5) To develop the agenda for the annual meeting

6) To enable and provide organization for long-range planning for the congregational mission

7) To maintain supportive relationships with the pastor(s) and staff and help them annually to evaluate the fulfillment of their calling, appointment, or employment.

8) To arrange for pastoral service during the sickness or absence of the pastor.


a. Philosophy

The Executive / Personnel Committee exists to assist in facilitating the mission and ministry of the congregation.

 b. Purpose

The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the congregation and congregation council between meetings, and plans the agenda for the congregation Council, and administers the personnel policies adopted by the congregation Council

 c. Board Structure and Organization

1) They are a committee of five (5), including the President-Elect, President, Past President, the Chairperson of Board of Trustees, and the Senior Pastor.

2) They will meet prior to congregation Council meetings to plan Council meeting agendas, and to review and address personnel matters.

 d. Job Description

1) They will administer the "Personnel Policies " of the congregation

2) They will meet with the Staff of the congregation annually for review and evaluation of job descriptions and remuneration. Normally, the Senior Pastor will meet with Staff member and report to the committee in the spring. Representatives of the committee will meet with the rostered Staff in the fall for salary review.

3) They will hire all non-rostered Staff upon recommendation of the Board who relates to their area of work.

4) They will meet at the call of the Senior Pastor or President to consider and attend to emergency, urgent, or unusual situations

5) They will prepare for and conduct an annual "congregation Council & Boards" workshop on the mission and ministry of our Saviours Lutheran Church


a. Preside over council meetings.

b. Chair the annual meeting of the congregation.

c. Preside over all special meetings that are called on behalf of the congregation.

d. Act as chair of the Executive Committee.

e. Act as chair of the Personnel Committee.

f. Oversee the following Boards: Stewardship, Trustees, and Endowment.

g. Represent the congregation when called upon to do so.


a. Attend all council meetings.

b. Preside at all meetings when the President is unavailable.

c. Be a member of the Executive Committee.

d. Be a member of the Personnel Committee.

e. Oversee the following Boards: Youth, Education, and Deacons.


a. Act as chair of the Nominating Committee.

b. Be a member of the Executive Committee.

c. Be a member of the Personnel Committee.

d. Attend council meetings on an "as needed" basis.

e. Oversee the following Boards: Worship & Music, Social Ministries, Buildings & Grounds.


a. Philosophy

We recognize that this world, our lives, and all we have belong to (are owned by) God. The buildings and grounds in which our congregation gathers belong to God and we are the stewards (caretakers) of them. It is the responsibility of the entire congregation to take care of the buildings and grounds.

 b. Purpose

The purpose of the Building and Grounds Board will be to exercise on behalf of the congregation the care of the buildings and grounds. The board will involve the members of the congregation in the on going care of the building and grounds.

 c. Board Structure and Organization

1) They are a board of six (6), elected at the annual meeting for a term of three (3) years

2) They shall select a chairperson and a secretary at their first meeting following the annual meeting.

3) They shall meet monthly at a regularly scheduled time.

4) The chairperson shall represent the Building and Grounds Board in the Congregation Council.

 d. Job Description

1) General
a) Supervise the work and maintain the job description of the custodian

b) Make regular inspections of the building and grounds

c) Annually review the insurance policies of the church

d) Establish and maintain service contracts when and if necessary

e) Organize and direct the workdays as required

f) Be appraised of future maintenance and capital improvement projects

g) In the month of December, prepare a report to the congregation to be presented at the annual meeting

h) In the month of September to formulate a budget to support the work of the board

2) Buildings

a) Be responsible for the security of the church

b) Overall maintenance of the building's interior and exterior

c) Maintain the mechanical systems of the buildings

d) Maintain the organ

e) Approve permanent interior decorating

f) Be alert for resources and procedures for conserving energy

 3) Grounds

a) Maintain the parking lot

b) Maintain the lawn shrubs, trees, etc. on the church property

c) Develop plans for improvement on the grounds

e. Job Description: Chairperson

1) Preside over all board meetings

2) Establish an agenda and submit it to the church office for typing and mailing prior to the next meeting

3) Deliver the board's budget to the Board of Trustees in the month of October

4) Represent the Building and Grounds Board on the Congregation Council


a. Philosophy
As the apostles of the early church first called deacons to assist them in the ministry, so also you have been called to this Purpose.

 b. Purpose

1) To make sure that the workings and worship of Our Saviour's are carried out in a manner that follows the teachings and practices established by the synodical body that we are a part of

2) To be an ambassador of Our Saviour's in the community

3) To provide spiritual support to those who are in need

 c. Structure and Organization

1) The Board of Deacons shall be composed of 10 members, striving for a balance of men and women, who are elected for a term of three (3) years at the annual meeting of the congregation

2) In case of a vacancy on the Board of Deacons, the vacancy shall be filled by election at a meeting of the Church Council. The person elected by the Council shall be permanently elected to fill out the unexpired term at the next regular annual meeting of the congregation

3) The Board of Deacons shall choose of their own number a chairperson and a secretary

4) The Board shall meet at least on a monthly basis but may meet more often if necessary

 d. Job Description

1) To assist the pastor or pastors with the ministry of Our Saviour's in the following ways:
a) Distribution of Communion

b) The congregation will be divided into groups of families and a deacons will be assigned to a group to enable ministry to the families of that group

c) Reports of the ministry concerns will be given at the monthly deacons' meeting

d) Giving Communion to the sick and shut-ins as required

e) Greeting of visitors and new members

f) To be a resource for ministry in crisis situations

2) To review time and ministry with the pastor or pastors on at least a quarterly basis or as may be deemed necessary unless a Staff Support Committee has been created to perform this function

3) To review the active and responsibility roster of Our Saviour's at their regular meetings in November and December each year

4) To see to it that the spiritual care of the church is not neglected in the absence of the pastor or pastors or during the vacancy of the pastoral office

5) The Board of Deacons shall determine their budget needs for the coming year at their October meeting

6) The Board of Deacons shall review their structure and job description at the monthly meeting following the annual meeting of the congregation

 e. Job Description: Chairperson

1) Preside over the meetings of the Deacons

2) Consult with the pastors or other staff and establish an agenda for monthly meetings. Submit the agenda to the church office for mailing a week before the next regularly scheduled meeting

3) Supervise the scheduling and the training of the deacons

4) Deliver the needed budget for the coming year to the Trustees in October

5) Serve as a member of the Congregation Council. Review the work of the Deacons with the Council and seek guidance for future work 

f. Job Description: Secretary

1) Shall keep accurate minutes of each meeting and submit to the church office 10 days prior to the next meeting

2) Shall keep on-going minutes and reports in a loose-leaf record book

3) Shall preside at the monthly or special meetings when the chairperson is absent


a. Philosophy
The ministry of God's people needs to reach out to all the baptized, who are learning and growing in their faith, and enable them to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its mission and ministry.

 b. Purpose

1) The board of Youth and Educational will provide basic structured learning experiences for all ages. Therefore, enabling our members to know the content of their faith and be drawn to a commitment to God by becoming and remaining active in serving Him.

 2) The Board will provide structure and resources to enable the members of our congregation the opportunities for Christian based education, activities, and ministry.

 c. Structure and Organization

1) The Board of Education shall consist of eight (8) adult members and (1-3) youth as active members. Terms will be three (3) years and in such a manner that at least two (2) members will be elected each year .

2) The Board will elect a chairperson and secretary at the first meeting following the annual meeting

3) The Board will meet at least quarterly or more often as needed. The meeting will follow the schedule set forth by the congregational Council.

 d. Job Description

1) The Chairperson shall represent the Board on the congregation Council, shall preside over all Board meetings, establish agendas, prepare a budget, and prepare a report for the annual meeting.

2) The secretary shall take and record minutes from all Board meetings. Submit minutes to the office to be typed and mailed to all Board members prior to the next meeting. In the absence of the Chairperson, preside over the Board meeting and/or represent the Board at congregation Council meeting.

3) Two (2) members will serve as a task force to oversee: Education Programs, Wednesday classes Pre-8th, Friends in Faith, Affirmation of Baptism, involving youth in church ministry and service.

4) Two (2) members will serve as a task force to oversee: Sunday Education, Adult Education Programs, VBS, Pre-school committee, Library, Study retreats, involving youth in church ministry and service.

5) Two (2) members will serve as a task force to oversee: Youth activities, such as Youth Group, District and National Youth gatherings, L.Y.E. events, Study retreats, lock-ins and youth trips, Leadership school and Y.E.T., involving youth in church ministry and service.

 e. Additional Board Responsibilities

1) Board members should attend the annual meeting of the congregation and Council Retreat

2) Keep positions filled and functioning on all sub-committees and task forces.

3) Create additional task forces as needed to run and oversee other youth programs and special events.

9. Endowment Board

a. Philosophy (CF. Constitution, C19.01.)

b. Purpose (CF. Constitution, C19.02.)

c. Board Structure

1) The Board shall consist of five (5) members, sit of whom shall be voting members of our Saviour's Lutheran Church. Except as herein limited, the term of each member shall be three (3) years. After the adoption of this resolution by the congregation, it shall elect five (5) members to the board - two (2) for a term of three (3) years; two (2) for a term of two (2) years; and one (1) for a term of one (1) year. Thereafter at each annual meeting the congregation shall elect the necessary number for a term of three (3) years. A partial term shall not be counted for this purpose. No members may be reelected after two (2) consecutive terms without a twelve (12) month lapse between the most recent term.

2) In the event of a vacancy on the board, the congregation council may, by a majority vote, elect a member to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting of the congregation, at which time the congregation shall elect a member to fill the vacancy. In the event the vacancy is not fitted within thirty (30) days after it occurs, the congregation shall fill it at a special meeting called for that purpose.

3) The Nominating Committee of the congregation shall nominate for this board and report at the annual meeting in the same manner as it does for other offices or boards. Nominations may also be made from the floor. The person receiving the greater number of votes at the annual meeting shall be elected. ALL Endowment Fund Board members shall endeavor to maintain a high degree of communication with the church council, other organizations within the church, and members of the congregation to nurture the total mission of the church and of the Fund. Each board member must be a member of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. An Endowment Fund Board member may not serve concurrently on the congregation council. The senior pastor of the church and the president of the congregation council shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the Endowment Fund Board.

4) An Endowment Fund Board member may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present at a Legally called meeting of the congregation.

5) The Board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, treasurer, and secretary.

6) The Board shall meet at Least monthly at the church at a time fixed by resolution of the Board and more frequently as it may be deemed by the Board in the best interests of the Fund. The Board, when it deems it unnecessary to hold a particular monthly meeting, may, by resolution, cancel a meeting. Special meetings may be called twenty-four (24) hours written or oral notice to members of the Board by the chairperson or any two members. No notice other than the recording of the resolution fixing the time of the regular meetings need by given the members. Each member is charged with the knowledge of the contents of the minute book.

7) A quorum shall consist of three (3) members. The affirmative vote of majority present and voting shall carry any motion or resolution.

8) The Board shall establish written rules and regulations as may be necessary for the conduct of its business. It shall adopt standards and goals to guide in the expenditure of the income from the Fund which it may amend within the stated purposes of this Fund.

9) The Board shall maintain accounts with such financial institutions as it may by resolution authorize and determine. ALL checks and other documents transferring or expending any funds or assets in the Fund shall be executed by the 'treasurer and either the chairperson or secretary of the Board.

10) If, at the discretion of the Board, a corporate fidelity bond is desired for committee members with check signing authority, such expense shall be borne by the Fund.

11) The Board may ask other members of the congregation to serve as advisory members and may employ, at the expense of the Endowment Fund income, such professional counseling on investments and Legal matters as it deems to be for the best interest of the Endowment Fund.

12) The Board shall maintain complete and accurate books of accounts and may employ such professionals help as it deems necessary in this regard. The books shall be audited annually and such audit report will be on file at the time of the annual meeting of the congregation.

13) The secretary shall maintain complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of the committee and supply a copy thereof to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the next regular meeting. Each members shall keep a complete copy of minutes to be delivered to his or her successor.

14) The chairperson, or the member designated by the chairperson, shall preside at all Board meetings.

15) No members of the Board shall engage in any self-dealing or transactions with the Fund in which the member of the Board has direct or indirect financial interest and shall at all times refrain from any conduct in which his/her personal interests would conflict with the interests of the Fund.

d. Board Duties

1) The Endowment Fund Board, at each annual meeting of the congregation, shall render a full and complete account of the administration of the Endowment Fund during the preceding year.

2) The Endowment Fund Board or church may receive funds through gifts, memorials, bequests, wills, estates, etc. from any individual or corporation or organization or from any other source in cash or other property acceptable to them.

3) ALL trust funds and property shall be kept and maintained separate, distinct, and independent from the funds and property otherwise belonging to the church.

4) The Endowment Fund Board shall in no event be required to make physical segregation of the assets of the Endowment Fund in order to conform to the directions of any individual donors, but may establish separate accounts in its accounting records.

5) The Board shall inform the members of the congregation of the purposes of the Fund, and may periodically arrange for members of the congregation to meet with professional counselors in the areas of charitable giving, wills, bequests, insurance, etc.

6) All new members of the Endowment Fund Board are to receive a copy of the Endowment Fund format to become acquainted with the function and purposes of the Fund.

 e. Board Powers

1) In the administration of this Endowment Fund, the Endowment Fund Board shall have all powers and authority necessary to carry out the purposes of the Fund, including the following powers and authority on behalf of our Saviour's Lutheran Church:
a) Take, have, hold, sell, exchange, rent, Lease, transfer, convert, invest, reinvest, and in all other respects to handle, manage and control the Endowment Fund, or any part thereof, as they in their judgment and discretion shall deem wise and prudent.

b) retain any property in the form in which received; to convert and reconvert the Endowment Fund, or any part thereof, into other kinds and forms of property, real or personal or mixed; and to invest or reinvest the Fund or assets therein, or any thereof, as they shall deem wise and prudent, including in such common or preferred stocks, bonds, debentures, mortgages, notes or other securities, investments or property, whether real or personal, which they in their absolute discretion may select or determine, and including, without limitation, savings deposits of any bank, mutual savings bank, federal home loan bank or savings and loan association, or in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Mission Loan Fund, or its successor, or in any common trust fund, mutual fund, or any like fund, or any like fund, subject to the usual standards of prudence required of trustees of similar funds.

c) To receive the income, profits, rents, and proceeds of the Endowment Fund and to collect and receipt for the same, and pay all administrative and necessary expenses in connection with it. Expenses are to be paid from the Endowment Fund income.

d) To make, execute, and deliver at( instruments necessary or proper for the accomplishment of the purposes of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Endowment Fund or of any of the foregoing powers, including deeds, bills of sale, transfers, leases, mortgages, assignments, conveyances, contracts, purchase agreements, waivers, releases, and settlements.

e) To contribute, donate, support, or distribute, from time to time for the purposes herein stated, such payments or amounts as the Endowment Fund Board in its discretion shall determine.

f) To take any funds and property that any donor, grantor, or contributor directs to be used for specific purposes so Long as the purposes are consistent with the purposes set forth herein and Article XIV unless at the time the gift is received or subsequently by a 2/3 majority vote of the full Endowment Fund Board it is determined that the specific purpose has been impractical, impossible, obsolete, or inappropriate, in which event the Board shall have the power to apply such funds, property, arid income to such other purposes as determined by the Committee and consistent with the then existing Laws of the State of Wisconsin.

g) To determine what is principal and income according to accounting procedures.

h) To hold investments in the name of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Endowment Fund on behalf of the congregation and to sign checks and all other necessary documents on behalf of the congregation in furtherance of the Endowment Fund purposes.

i) To employ and reasonably compensate from the Endowment fund income, accountants, agents, and attorneys to assist and advise in the execution of the Endowment Fund without Liability for their omissions or neglect, but using reasonable care in their selection, and to rely on the advice of persons so employed.

 2) The Endowment Fund Board shall not be Liable for any Losses which may be incurred upon investments of the Endowment Fund except to the extent that such losses shall have been caused by bad faith or gross negligence of the Board members. No member shall be personally Liable as tong as he/she acts in good faith and with ordinary prudence in discharging the duties of the office. Each Board member shall be liable only for his/her own willful misconduct or omissions of bad faith. No Board member shall be Liable for the acts or omissions of any other Board member, or of any accountant, agent, attorney, or custodian selected with reasonable care.

3) The Endowment Fund Board shall not receive any compensation, but may be reimbursed from the income of the Endowment Fund for expenses reasonably incurred.

4) References herein to "Evangelical Lutheran Church in America', shall also include its successors.

 f. The Congregation

1) In the event that the principal is ever needed due to a catastrophe, the congregation may, upon recommendation of the 2/3 vote of the full Endowment Fund Board, authorize the use of a specific sum of principal for a specific purpose by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present at a legally called meeting of the congregation. However, principal derived from contributions for specific purposes may not otherwise by used except as authorized pursuant to Section 5, Paragraph 6.

 2) This Endowment Fund by-law may not be altered or amended except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at an annual meeting of the congregation.

 g. Tax Exemptions

1) Any gifts given to the Endowment Fund, as well as all income derived therefrom, shall be used exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational purposes with Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internet Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internet Revenue Law. This Endowment Fund is created and shall be operated exclusively for church purposes. No part of the income or property of this Fund shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to any member, director, or officer of the church or to any other private person, except that the Endowment Fund Board is authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth herein. No part of the activities of the Endowment Fund shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence Legislation, and it shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the Endowment Fund shall (a) not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an entity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future Internal Revenue Lay or (b) do any act which would render contributions to the Endowment Fund nondeductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.

2) This Endowment Fund may be dissolved in accordance with the Laws of the State of Wisconsin. Upon dissolution of this Endowment Fund, and after the payment of all Liabilities, obligations, costs, and expenses incurred by this Endowment Fund, any remaining assets shall be distributed to such entities organized and operated exclusively for one or more purposes described in Sections 170 (c) (2) and 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.

 3) This Endowment Fund by-law, accepted by the congregation, upon recommendation of the congregation council at a legally called congregational meeting, is hereby incorporated into the by-laws of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Chippewa Falls, WI, and information of its contents and uses made available to all members.

10. Board of Social Ministries

a. Philosophy
In the quest of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church to follow God's commandment to "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and to live a God-like life as described by Jesus in Matthew 25:31-40, a fundamental responsibility of all Christians is revealed. The Social Ministries Board recognizes that through the words contained in those verses, "'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' And the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?' And the king will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.'" Herein lies the truth of how God's love is carried into the world.

 b. Purpose

1) Through the Social Ministries Board, Our Saviour's Lutheran Church extends care and Christian compassion from our congregation into our community, nation, and world.

 2) The ELCA constitution clearly defines its goals towards social ministry in its Statement of Purpose. It states, "To participate in God's mission, this church shall: serve in response to God's love to meet human needs, caring for the sick and the aged, advocating dignity and justice for all people, working for peace and reconciliation among the nations, and standing with the poor and powerless and committing itself to their needs. To fulfill these purposes this church shall: Life its voice in concord and work in concert with forces for good, to serve humanity, cooperating with church and other groups participating in activities that promote justice, relieve misery and reconcile the estranged," and: "Study social issues and trends, work to discover the causes of oppression and injustice, and develop programs of ministry and advocacy to further human dignity, freedom, justice, and peace in the world."

 c. Board structure

1) They are a Board of no less than five (5) or no more than seven (7)elected at the annual meeting. They shall serve in rotating three-year terms.

2) They shall elect a chairperson and secretary at their first meeting following the annual meeting.

3) They shall meet monthly at a regularly scheduled time.

 d. Job Description: Chairperson

1) Preside over all meetings of the Board.

2) Establish an agenda, and submit it to the church office for typing and mailing prior to the meetings.

3) Deliver the Board's budget to the Board of Trustees in the month of October.

4) The chairperson shall represent the Social Ministries Board on the Congregation Council, or delegate that responsibility to another Board member upon approval of the Board.

 e. Job Description: Secretary

1) Take and record accurate minutes of all meetings of the Board.

2) Submit minutes of the previous meeting to the church office for typing and mailing prior to the next meeting.

3) Maintain a permanent record of all minutes and reports in a loose-leaf binder.

4) In the absence of the chairperson, preside at the Board meeting and represent the Board at council meetings.

 f. Job Description: Board

1) Seek to discover the unmet human needs of those in our congregation and community, and devise ways to meet those needs.

2) Examine international, national, state, and local issues and present information to the congregation through the bulletin, newsletter, temple talks, and forums; encourage congregation members to respond to these issues individually and collectively.

3) Pass along to the congregation the views of the ELCA on issues of concern to us as Christians.

4) Develop and maintain an Emergency Aid Fund to provide financial help for those in need.

5) Review monthly list of Pastoral Fund recipients and offer help in finding more permanent solutions to their needs.

6) Develop a resource/referral network for those in need.

7) Coordinate seasonal events and projects throughout the church year.

8) Recruit members of the congregation to participate in local events that benefit others, i.e., CROP Walk, Food drives.

9) Support the local Food Pantry and the Transient Ministry by maintaining an on-going food donation project at OSLC.

10) Support the Triniteam Caregivers; supply a liaison from OSLC.

11) Seek ways to work with other congregations of all denominations in our community to achieve the goals defined by OSLC's Mission Statement and Goals, and the bylaws of OSLC.

12) Work in harmony with the pastors and other OSLC Boards to achieve common goals.

13) Prepare an annual budget and submit it to the Board of Trustees in October.

14) In December prepare a report to the congregation to be presented at the annual meeting.

15) Recruit and encourage congregational participation in workshops and seminars dealing with social issues.

16) Screen all prioritized mail and act upon those issues that meet the criteria as defined by the Board's goals.

11. Board of Stewardship

a. Philosophy
The Stewardship of each member of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church is the result of the working of the Holy Spirit. It is a growing process which needs to be guided by the counsel of Scripture through Bible study and prayer. It involves the whole of a person's being. It is the management of time, talents, and possessions. Christian stewardship also involves each Christian in world-wide mission, carrying out the mandate given to us by Christ (Matthew 28:19-20): "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."

 b. Purpose

The purpose of the Board of Stewardship is to provide guidance for the development of Christian Stewardship. The Board has the spiritual task of encouraging and assisting members to understand their responsibility as children of God.

 c. Board Structure and Organization

1) They are a board of five (5) elected at the Annual Meeting. They shall serve in rotating three-year terms.

2) They shall select a chairperson and secretary at their first meeting following the Annual Meeting.

3) They shall meet monthly at a regularly scheduled time.

4) The chairperson shall represent the Board of Stewardship on the Congregation Council.

  d. Job Description: Board of Stewardship

1) Plan and carry out a year-round stewardship program.

2) Study and grow so that they can lead by example.

3) Be alert for new sources and procedures.

4) Analyze present and past trends so that they can interpret for, and advise, the Church Council.

5) Work in harmony with the pastor(s).

6) Promote special gifts through wills and bequests.

7) Work with other committees, auxiliaries, task forces, and organizations within the congregation and community.

8) Promote benevolence giving by educating and informing the members of the congregation about the work of the ELCA and all of its divisions and other groups supported by the congregation, such as Lutheran Social Services and Luther Park Bible Camp.

9) Participate in Conference and District workshops or seminars, for learning and service.

10) Educate and inform the congregation through Sunday morning services, monthly newsletter, educational programs, and church auxiliaries.

11) Solicit every member's response in a time and talent survey, and maintain a file which will be readily available to the various boards and committees of the congregation.

12) Annually solicit every member's financial support for the purpose of advising the congregation in establishment of the budget.

13) In the month of September, to formulate a budget to support their work.

14) In the month of December, to prepare a report to the congregation, to be presented at the Annual Meeting.

 e. Job Description: Chairperson

1) Preside over all meetings of the board.

2) Establish an agenda, and submit it to the church office for typing and mailing prior to the meetings.

3) Deliver the board's budget to the Trustees in the month of October.

4) Represent the Board of Stewardship on the Congregation Council.

 f. Job Description: Secretary

1) Take and record accurate minutes of all meetings of the board.

2) Submit minutes of the previous meeting to the church office for typing and mailing prior to the next meeting.

3) Maintain a permanent record of all minutes and reports in a loose-leaf binder.

4) In the absence of the chairperson, preside at the committee meeting and represent the committee at Congregation Council meetings.

 12. Board of Trustees

a. Philosophy Statement
The Trustees following, the Scriptural admonitions concerning stewardship, exercise control of all finances of the congregation. The focus of proclaiming the "Good News" concerning Jesus Christ to all people will guide the work of the Trustees of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. Their work will be to facilitate the congregation's participation in God's redeeming work in the world.

 b. Purpose Statement

The Trustees are given the responsibility to act on behalf of the congregation between Annual Meetings to carry out the mission (or purpose) of the congregation in the financial affairs of the church as authorized by the congregation.

 c. Structure and Organization

1) The Board of Trustees will consist of five (5) members elected at the Annual Meeting for a term of three (3) years.

2) The group will appoint a Chairperson and a Secretary at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting.

3) They will meet monthly at a regularly scheduled time.

4) The Chairperson will attend the meetings of the Church Council.

d. Job Description

1) On a monthly basis, the financial report of the congregation's Treasurer shall be reviewed by the Board of Trustees.

2) They will designate and authorize the manner in which all receipts and disbursements are properly allocated.

3) Exercise authority in the acquisition and disposition of church property and determine the need of securing loans as authorized by the congregation.

4) On an annual basis, a budget will be formulated and presented to the congregation at the Annual Meeting.

5) They will, in conjunction with the Board of Building and Grounds, review all insurance policies; specifically coverage's, premiums, and claims.

6) They shall hire and supervise the work of a Treasurer for the congregation.

7) They shall hire and supervise the work of the Financial Secretary.

8) Periodically they shall inform the membership of the financial condition of the congregation and make recommendations to the various committees concerning their expenditures.

9) In December of each year, they shall designate undesignated memorial funds which have been held for six (6) months or more. Notification of such designation will be given.

10) The Board of Trustees shall provide through the annual budget, or special seminary tuition fund, the tuition for congregational members who wish to attend a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

11) The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to spend up to, but not more then 5% of the annual budget on a non-budgeted project without congregational approval.

12) All committees and organizations handling funds within the congregation shall submit a summary of income and expenses and financial records for the year to the Trustees or the church office by January 7 of the following year.

 e. Job Description: Chairperson

1) Will preside over the meetings.

2) Will represent the board at Congregation Council meetings.

3) Will be responsible for submitting the budget and report to the Annual Meeting.

 f. Job Description: Secretary

1) Will accurately record the minutes.

2) Will preside over any meeting in the absence of the Chairperson.

 g. Job Description: Financial Secretary

1) The Financial Secretary of the congregation shall be hired by the Board of Trustees, not a member of the Board of Trustees, and shall be bonded.

2) The Financial Secretary shall receive from the Treasurer a record of all income and keep accurate records. Periodic reports of giving shall be made to the members as directed by the Board of Trustees.

3) The Financial Secretary shall prepare annually an audited report to the congregation. This report will agree with the Treasurer's Report.

 h. Job Description: Treasurer

1) The Treasurer of the congregation shall be hired by the Board of Trustees, not one of its members, and be bonded.

2) The Treasurer shall receive all offerings and income of the congregation and make accurate record and give receipts where necessary. All monies shall be deposited in the night depository of the bank.

3) Receipt of deposit and envelope records shall be given to the Financial Secretary. The records kept by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall be reconciled for an Annual Report.

4) The Treasurer will disburse such funds in accordance with the decisions of the congregation or the Board of Trustees.

5) The Treasurer shall present a duly audited report to the Annual Meeting of the congregation and other such reports to the Board of Trustees as they may require.

 13. Board of Worship/Music

a. Philosophy
1) We believe the focus of each worship experience is the Word and Sacraments.

2) In worship we are united with God's people of all times and places.

3) Worship belongs to and is the response of the congregation regardless of age or calling.

 b. Purpose

1) To ensure that the "Gospel is preached in its purity and the Holy Sacraments are administered according to the Gospel".(Augsburg Confession, Article VII)

2) To enhance unity of the Church by using liturgical forms approved by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for regular worship services (Cf. Chapter 4 of Constitution).

3) To ensure that special worship experiences are consistent with our Lutheran heritage.

4) To enable all ages to joyfully respond to Word and Sacraments by:

a) helping them understand the nature of worship and our liturgies thereby equipping them for meaningful participation.

b) utilizing the congregation and clergy in planning and developing all worship services.

c) providing opportunities for each to participate according to their calling.

d) providing atmosphere conducive to prayer and meditation, confession, offering, celebration and glorifying God (I Cor. 6:20).

e) providing a sense of tradition and foundation for our children.

f) providing opportunities for people to be nourished a strengthened in a spiritual sense.

 c. Board Structure and Organization

1) The board shall consist of six (6) members elected by the congregation at its annual meeting

2) The term of office shall be three (3) years. Two members shall be elected each year.

3) A board chairperson and secretary shall be elected at the first meeting of the board following the annual meeting.

4) The board will meet monthly with the day and time determined by the board.

5) The Director of Music Ministries shall serve as an ex officio member of the Worship and Music Board.

 d. Job Description

1) Evaluate and support the music programs of the church.

2) Evaluate ushering in the church.

2) Select liturgist and provide for their training.

4) Evaluate the lector program

5) Secure a babysitter for Sunday morning services.

7) Prepare a yearly budget in October and present to Trustees.

8) Evaluate and establish times of worship services.

9) Approve and evaluate appearances of outside individuals/groups to participate in worship services.

10) Evaluate worship materials for use in services.

11) Appoint a committee for preparing the church for seasonal worship.

12) Provide the congregation opportunities to express concerns and feelings regarding worship.

13) Be in communication with the Altar Guild by sharing monthly minutes.

14) Make recommendations regarding hiring or releasing organist and/or choir directors. Conduct auditions and interviews.

15) Maintain the music library.

16) Issue and maintain choir robes.

17) Encourage Sunday School to help students learn hymns.

18) Encourage and support training workshops and music seminars.

 e. Board of Worship & Music Chairperson: Job Description

1) Conduct Board of Worship and Music meetings.

2) Submit agenda to church office ten (10) days prior to meeting for distribution to members of the board.

3) Submit budget for the board to Trustees.

4) Approve invoices for budgeted items.

5) Serve as a voting member of the Church Council.

 f. Board of Worship & Music Secretary: Job Description

1) Take minutes of all the meetings and submit to the church office for distribution to board members one week prior to next meeting.

2) Serve as a voting member of the Church Council and chair the board meeting when the chairperson is unable to do so.

 h. Board of Worship & Music Agenda Calendar

January Lent plans finalized

February Holy Week plans finalized/Summer worship schedule/

Review structure, organization, job descriptions of Board

March Easter plans: Festival & Season of

April Mother's Day/Ascension/Pentecost/Summer outdoor worship

May Finalize Pentecost/Finalize Summer Worship

June/July Plan for the Fall

August/Sept. Thanksgiving/Confirmation/Advent/Budget needs

October Christmas/Advent/Thanksgiving finalized

November Christmas/Advent/Epiphany plans/Annual meeting items/Begin Lent Planning

December Lenten Planning.


 1. The candidates of the Nominating Committee shall be made known to the congregation in conjunction with the announcement of the Special or Annual Meeting at which the election is to take place.

 2. In addition to the candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee, additional nominations may be made from the floor.

 3. A vacancy in the congregationally elected membership of the Nominating Committee shall be filled by a special congregational meeting called for that purpose.

 History of Changes: (starting 2002)

Updated: Summary of Change Revised Section

Feb. 2002 Added Executive / Personnel Committee sub-section to Section IV. Incremented remaining numbers in Section IV. Combined prior (IV) sub-sections 7 (Education) and 13 (Youth Board). As approved during 2001 Annual meeting Section IV; Added paragraphs 2a., 2b., 2c., 2d. Revised sub-section 8. Deleted sub-section 13.

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